Sunday: ~3200m swim
Vineman is less than a week away. And no, I don't feel ready. My longest run was 12 miles and it was well over a month ago. My longest ride was maybe 50 miles since I couldn't complete the 60 mile ride. I know it isn't all about quantity, but that doesn't help. Since I had 3 races within 6 weeks, every other week was a taper of sorts. I don't feel like I've had a lot of hard workouts recently.
My goal for the year was to try and improve upon my half-Ironman time by 30 minutes, and this was the race where I was hoping to do it. 30 minutes seemed reasonable at the time: 15-20 on the bike and 10-15 on the run. Right now it doesn't exactly seem reasonable. I do think I've made improvements both on the bike and the run, but over a shorter distance. There's a big difference between an Olympic and a Half.
I'm not worried about the distance. I don't think that's an issue. I've done enough of this distance to know that I can do it. I just don't feel ready enough to achieve my goal. I have another few days to try and turn this feeling around. I keep trying to tell myself that I have been riding faster. I have been running faster. I'm just not really able to believe that I can continue to do so. I think this is the part where I'm supposed to start thinking positive things. Or I should take a lesson from the title of this blog - I can start believing in impossible things and making them possible.
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