Sunday are always so relaxing. Yeah right! Not so much for an endurance athlete. We went to see Batman the night before, so I had the late night excuse to sleep in. Of course, sleeping in is relative and I was up and about probably by 8:30. But this really is sleeping in, especially since I finally got the dogs trained to sleep in (it took one painful week of trying to sleep through them scratching, whining, sniffing my face, etc. for several hours before I was ready to get up, but let me tell you, it was SO worth it!).
I was supposed to do a 45 minute easy run, all Z2 with 5 minutes in Z3, IF I felt up to it. I started out a little late, not expecting it to be so hot. Somehow I managed to not be bothered by the heat yesterday on my ride, except for stopping at intersections. Anyhow, I started out and after about a half mile, I decided that I would only do 3 miles. I had a 3 mile run scheduled for Monday, so I figured I'd just swap the two. It seemed like a much better idea to go swimming instead. So, I finished the run and off to the pool I went.
It's funny how when I'm riding or running, for much of the time I think about how much I'd rather be swimming, especially when the temperature climbs into the upper 90s. Of course, then I get to the pool and stand at the edge questioning if I really want to get in. I don't understand this phenomenon.
I got to the pool and it was 30 minutes into Jane's class (this may partly explain the above phenomenon, at least for today). Since I was late, I had to jump right in and try and survive. Already people were dropping like flies. I stuck it out and barely hung on. I was so sure that this was a 90 minute class, but it ended 30 minutes later. This meant I had another 30 minutes of swimming to do. Since I had just barely glanced at my planned workout, I had to kind of make it up. I ended up doing drills of sorts for 400m and then swam a 500 straight. I think it was supposed to be in Z3, but I don't think I really made it up there until the end. It certainly wasn't my finest swim, but at least I did it.
I later realized that it was only natural that my workouts had not gone all that well. Sundays were meant for napping...
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