40 minute dog walk in AM
60 minute dog play at Coot Lake (included such activities as throwing frisbees, throwing rocks (Mobi), getting soaked, running through grass, etc.)
It seems like it's been a while since I had a real (planned) day off that I was able to enjoy. The day after Vineman didn't count because we were traveling and spent much of the day waiting at the airport. A total waste of a day off if you ask me. The next day didn't count either since it wasn't planned and more of a side effect of getting in after midnight and only getting about 5 hours of sleep. There was another unplanned day off last week because things just didn't work out timewise. I probably could have fit something in but I didn't so I felt a little guilty. But today was a true day off.
The joys of today's day off:
- Sleeping in
- Hitting snooze without feeling guilty
- Not having to figure out how to reshuffle my day because I did hit snooze
- Saving water by only having to take 1 shower
- Enjoying my 2.5 mile leisure ride into work on my townie, with top speeds of probably 7mph.
- Getting to work on time (almost)
- Not having to leave the house with 3 bags and 15 pounds of run/bike/swim gear
- Not having to worry about leaving work a little late.
- Enjoying my 2.5 mile leisure ride home, with top speeds of probably 5mph (it's uphill and into the wind)
- Being able to take the dogs to Coot Lake on a school night
- Not caring how long we were at Coot Lake since there wasn't something up next on the schedule
- Not having a schedule
- No technical foods or drinks
- Not having to worry about what and when I ate and timing it right before the next workout
- Not having to rush
- Knowing I could just lie on the couch and watch TV if I wanted to (but not doing it because I'm not the type of person that does this)
- Pondering Craig's suggestion that I peaked a week late. Interesting theory.
- Being able to spend time making dinner. Pizza. Yum.
- Having a glass of wine (handling it is another question and I'm sure I'll pay for it tomorrow)
- Getting to bed early (oh wait, that's just wishful thinking)
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