I ate WAY too much this weekend. On Friday, after taking the day off from workouts, I went out to dinner with Matt, my sister, and her friend from DC who is living with me for the summer. We went to Sherpa's where I proceeded to stuff my face because naturally I was starving. And I rationalized it because I had a 60 mile ride scheduled for the next day. I ate way too much. I was so full that I couldn't sleep comfortably. I know it's bad for me, but I sleep on my stomach. This does not work well when you are as stuffed as I was. Sleeping becomes uncomfortable and it was.
But I worked it off during my ride. And who knows, maybe I rode so well because of it. And I was able to stick to more normal eating habits on Saturday.
On Sunday, my roommate for the summer, Z, cooked dinner. She's Ethiopian and an amazing cook. Yum! I was looking forward to this all weekend. Since it's hard to cook Ethiopian in small quantities (unless you're just making one or two dishes), we invited a few people over to enjoy the food. There were mass quantities produced. And once again, it was so good and I stuffed my face. I ate way too much. We attempted to go for a walk after dinner, but it was a struggle. I felt like I was waddling. I was trying to figure out if there was a way I could get the dogs to pull me, but then that kind of defeats the purpose of the walk. I think I was even more full than Friday and once again could not sleep. I think it wasn't until about 4 am that I was able to breathe normally again.
I have what I have named Food Management issues. Even if I am way too full, if it's in front of me, I have to eat it. Moving it to the other side of the table doesn't really work. It really needs to be in another room. What's interesting is that this is only a problem when the food is on a plate and in front of me. I don't raid the refrigerator or pantry, except in the rare case of getting back from a really long ride and just being absolutely starving. But I feel that this is somewhat justified. So perhaps I should call it Selective Food Management issues.
Anyhow, I was still feeling pretty full when I got up this morning. This made rolling out of made really rolling out of bed. A great way to start of the week! I ran at lunch, but I was still sort of full. I felt like I was plodding along for about half of the run. At this point, things settled down a bit (I had finally deflated) and I felt like I was a little more normal. I did a mile in Z3 to make up for my missed 5 minutes yesterday. There was no talking my way out of this one. I finished the run feeling much better than I had started, vowing (yet again) that I would never eat so much again.
I was kind of hoping for Extreme Heat during my run as additional punishment, but it looked like it was going to pour at lunch. I then decided that it would be better for it to rain at lunch so that it would be all cleared up for my evening ride. That didn't happen. The winds really picked up by the time I got home. It started drizzling (barely) when I took the dogs out and this was enough for me to wimp out on an outside ride. I think that trying to fight that wind would have just frustrated the hell out of me, so it's probably better that I bailed. I set up the trainer instead and put in a movie and settled down for a 90 minute ride. I'm terrible on the trainer. I can always find an excuse to stop and get off. Today's excuses were: I needed to get the fan, I had to feed the dogs, I decided that my seat wasn't straight and had to adjust it, I had to answer the phone, and I needed to blow my nose. So all in all, it probably took me 2 hours to do a 90 minute ride. But I did finish it eventually.
And then what did I do? I ate!

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