I get like this every once in a while. Or some sort of variation on the theme. Usually what happens is that I get hungry and then absolutely nothing appeals to me. This is pretty typical after a long weekend workout. Perhaps it's just that I'm so exhausted that dealing with food just seems like too much of an effort, but I'll find myself standing in front of the open fridge and finding nothing. Then I move onto the cupboard and do the same thing. Nothing. Back to the fridge. It can be painful, especially since I know I really need to eat.
For being such a necessity in life, it certainly is hard to figure out. We never seem to know what we want. When we go out to eat, the answer to "where do you want to go" or "what do you feel like" is typically "I don't care. What do you want?" Of course, this could just come down to the inability or desire to make a decision. Food can be really disgusting. Think about foods that you really don't like. Can you think of anything else that isn't food that you dislike just as much? It can cause extreme frustration between parent and child (just ask my dad about the time he tried to make me eat fish). It can be a traumatic experience (just ask me about the time my dad tried to make me eat fish).
And it's so trial and error. It seems like we are always trying to perfect how to fuel ourselves during long workouts. What works one day doesn't always work the next. How can something that gives us energy require so much energy to deal with?
Maybe I'd be better off as a dog...
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