Monday, April 13, 2009



So, back in college, in Rochester, NY, I decided to stay a summer just for the hell of it (that and there was an internship in there). Surprisingly it gets really hot in Rochester in the summer. We paid $750/month for a 5 bedroom/2 bath house (I know, crazy) with all utilities included. Except that it didn't have A/C. And so we set up a line of fans in front of the TV and a small baby pool out front and lived off of those freezer pop tube things (they come in a box of like 200 for $5). For those of you who know what I'm talking about, a strange phenomenon occurs when you eat them. You start coughing. For no aparent reason. The blue ones are the worst - they generate the most coughing. Beware the blue. Anyhow, this phenomenom came to be known as Pop-a-cough-atosis.

It seems that there is a similar phenomenon when you run hard. Hard like lots of Z4 intervals. I forgot how much I hate lots of Z4 intervals. I've decided that shorter Z4 intervals are a lot harder than the longer ones. I've been doing the longer distances (1 to 2 miles) up until today when it was 1000m, 800m, and 600m repeats. I must start out much faster thinking that they are shorter and I don't have to conserve enough. But 1000m is a lot closer to a mile than not. Anyhow, they sucked. And they came after 8x100 uphill "Z5" repeats. Did I mention they sucked? As a result, I ended up with this tickle in my throat that just hasn't gone away leaving me trying to clear my throat every few minutes (I assume) much to the annoyance of those around me.

Today's accomplishments:
7 mile run
2400 meter swim


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