My hamstring started bothering me a bit today, not that I can really blame it. I went to Teller Farms today since I keep hearing about it and it is so close. I went straight from work which is always sort of iffy. It's hard to run long after a full day of work. But it's sort of like an Ironman, so it's good training. I did 4x300 in "Z5" (ha!) followed by 4x1 miles in Z4. These sprint intervals are a joke for me. If I really take off in a sprint, I make it about 300 feet and I'm about to die and have to stop or slow down. If I take off slower, I barely get to Z3 by the time the interval is over. Fortunately, Teller Farms had some hills for me just as I was starting my intervals. Unfortunately for me, the hills at Teller Farms are not rolling. They are long and not so gradual. I think I did make it to Z4 on the shorter distances. I didn't time things so well and most of my intervals ended up being uphill. In addition, my first mile repeat was in mud. So, not only am I going uphill, I'm sliding all over the place and have about 20 pounds of mud caked to the bottom of my shoes. I almost went down twice. That would have been a sight. The rest of the repeats were a little smoother, but still a lot of hills and I couldn't quite get into Z4 as my legs were starting to talk back to me. Z3.9 was about as good as I could get.
But the weather was nice for a change. Finally! I know it hasn't been that long, but the past few days have been so bad that it's hard to remember the last nice day. There was a bit of wind, but when isn't there wind these days. At least the gusts were only up to 10mph. It was really nice to get outside having felt so cooped up over the weekend. Overall the run was a bit slower than I would have liked, but considering the conditions and the somewhat technical trail, I suppose it wasn't too bad. It's probably good that I got some hills in since my runs from work are pretty flat.
My rest day has officially begun. I don't need to think of training until about 5am on Wednesday. I am so looking forward to it.
Today's accomplishments:
1300 meter swim
10 mile run
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