Sunday: 3.5 mile run, weights
I officially put my house on the market tomorrow, so much of this weekend has been spent getting ready for this. I had to get rid of Matt's canoe that has been sitting downstairs for who knows how many years. It's hard to envision a room's potential when there's a bright red 15 foot canoe in the middle of the room.
I got a storage unit and in went the canoe. And a bunch of my mom's stuff that I've had just lying around, unsure what to do with it. When someone dies, you want to keep their stuff around because makes you think that they're still around and distracts you from the fact that they're not. It's all of her weaving and spinning stuff, which does take up a lot of room. Let's face it, I'm not going to use it, so it's time to sell it. It's time to move on, so into the storage unit it all went.
We finally got to take a break for a ride around 2. It was still a little cool, but a beautiful day and so nice to be outside (and not dealing with the storage unit). Matt hasn't been out on his bike in a little while, but I told him he was free to go ahead anyhow. I reminded him how slow I am. And he was either really tired, really out of shape, or just being nice because he stayed with me for the duration of the ride. I had 3 x 3 miles in Z3. It went pretty well except for the 3rd one where I chose a slightly more uphill section. I did try and make sure it more rolling than last week and mostly succeeded. I certainly pushed myself harder than on my previous few rides. After 20 or so miles, my legs were feeling it. But I did manage to bring my speed up a little, which made me feel much better about both my legs and the ride in general.
I got home and did a half mile run around the block, took the dogs out, had dinner, and then headed off to the Garmin Slipstream team introduction party. And you know what I learned...there are some tiny cyclists out there. And pros at that. I was supposed to win the team-issued bike, but my raffle ticket was given away to some teenage girl on the junior team.
Much of the rest of the weekend was avoiding trying to get the house clean. I had to drive Matt to the airport, which took up a good chunk of time. And I still wanted to take the dogs out - I feel like I have to take them somewhere during the weekend to make up for just walks during the week. We went over to the Res and they ran around in the sand and went crazy for a while. And then they were done. I then went over to the gym to meet Ralena and do our "weights". I can't really call it lifting since there is such minimal weight involved. I also got my run in on the treadmill - not what I really wanted to do, but it was already 6 and cold and dark outside. And then I forced myself to clean. Lots of vacuuming. With the amount of pet hair I vacuumed up, I could have generated at least another dog. But I'm almost there. I think.
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