Wednesday, November 19, 2008


5 mile run
2500 meter swim

The day started out with an early 5 mile run. It was really hard to get out of bed. I didn't sleep all that well - one of the cats thought it would be a fun time to play with the humidifier. She likes watching the bubbles and then trying to attack them. I've contemplated putting plastic fish in the tank but then I figured she'd just play with it more. I digress. Anyhow, it was hard getting out of bed.

I finally got started and was moving pretty slow. I had 2 miles in Z3 that were starting to look like they might be a struggle. I was having trouble maintaining mid-Z2. I just kept slowing down. My knee was also starting to hurt in the front, but I think it was from the cold. I stopped to stretch and bit and that seemed to do the trick. It was time for Z3 and I'd just have to see how it went.

In the end, it wasn't too bad. It took me about half a mile to feel li
ke I holding a steady pace and could stop looking at my HR. Before long, I was at the turnaround and only had a mile to go. Just as I was finishing up the Z3 set, a very fit guy came running towards me at a very fit guy's pace. He was moving. And just as I was thinking how maybe one day I'd be that fast, he pointed at my hat and did a sort of hat's off/bow gesture to me. I was wearing my IM Florida finishers hat. It took me a minute to realize what had just happened and when it finally sunk in, I broke out into a smile. It totally made my day.

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