Sunday, May 16, 2010

Training and Gardens

Garden beds are ready!!!

I tried to play catch up this weekend and was somewhat successful. I know I'm not supposed to do this, but it's not like I tried to get all the missed workouts in. I just traded some for others. So my easy run this weekend was traded for the not-so-easy long run I was supposed to do. Besides, I had to rearrange in order to ride on the better day.

Naturally it all kind of sucked. Another late start on Saturday and I didn't get out the door until around 1:00. I made it 3/4 through the long run and then suddenly felt like I just wanted to stop and go to sleep. Trying to make up for lost sleep last week? I muddled through it and followed it with a 30 minute recovery swim which felt great. Then dinner, a movie, and bed. Ahhh.

Today I did get things off to a much better start and was out the door on my bike shortly after 10:00. The ride was alright. My legs were screaming for most of it, but I pretended not to notice. However, I could no longer pretend once I got off the bike and started my run. It was a slow crawl if anything and there was nothing I could do about it. I may have been able to walk faster. But it was such a nice day so it helped keep me motived to finish the whole thing. Success!

A Quinoa Plant by revolution cycle.Even more success was finishing up the raised garden beds. Now everything is ready for planting. I was a little hesitant to put things in the ground after last week's snow, but I think I can start this week and definitely next week. I'm so excited to have a garden of my own. Patio tomatoes have been okay but I've been waiting many years for this. I'm sure not everything will turn out, but the ground work is all in so it only gets easier from here. Veggies waiting to be planted: lots and lots of tomatoes, carrots, beets, peppers, lettuce, rapini, beans, and basil. I still need to get a zucchini and pumpkin plant. And the big experiment will be quinoa. A friend from work told me that Colorado is the ideal place for growing quinoa and he bought a bunch of seeds in anticipation of buying a new house. Unfortunately the house fell through so he has no garden this year and a ton of seeds. So he gave me some and I thought I'd give it a try. It turns out that it's quite an attractive plant and I found the perfect spot along side of the house by the front porch where there's full sun. Plus it adds some color to the front.

Weekly totals:
swim: 3900 meters
bike: 76 miles
run: 21.5 miles

1 comment:

Uli said...

Wow, I am envious of your garden plans! That sounds so healthy and delicious and just happens to be all the foods I like to eat :) Glad your swim went OK Saturday. And I know exactly what you mean by wanting to go to sleep in the middle of a workout.. Been there...See you at swim tonight! maybe.