Okay, so I guess technically it was more of a drizzle, but considering we haven't seen much in the form of precipitation here in the last few weeks, to me, it was rain. And it was wonderful.
I ran at lunch because I wanted to try and get a few more workouts in during the heat of the day to better prepare me for the Long Course run on Sunday. I'm pretty sure I'm crazy. The heat of Saturday was so far behind me that it seemed totally logical to want to be out running in the heat today. Or maybe the heat of Saturday was just starting to settle in and take over my brain.
Anyhow, it wasn't really all that hot. It's always a little weird when 80-some degrees is not longer all that hot. It's like that point when you start increasing your running distance and 10 miles becomes "not that long". It's the same sort of logic - Athlete Logic. It was an all Z2 run so I felt like I could suck it up for a few miles. The clouds started coming in immediately and I was hearing thunder rumbling within the first mile or so. Things started cooling down a little. When I got to my turnaround point, it started to rain. It wasn't heavy, but it was wet and it was cool and it was such a nice relief. This is what I was living for on Saturday. I knew it wasn't going to last long, but I enjoyed it for as long as it was around. It ended pretty quickly, but the clouds and wind stuck around for pretty much the rest of my run. The sun came out full force when I had about 1/4 mile left (and it suddenly became very hot), so I pretty much missed out on the heat. I know I shouldn't complain...

I was not really looking forward to riding this evening. The weather wasn't looking so great and the winds were really picking up. At one point I had checked the weather and the warning was something along the line of watching out for the occasional lightning strike. That was enough to do it for me. Of course, by the time I got home, it was pretty much sunny skies again and no threat of rain. I no longer had my excuse and so I dragged myself out of the house. I was supposed to be leading a group ride and was sort of hoping that no one would show. But Bob did. Bob always shows. Fortunately it was a very mellow ride and really slow. The wind was a bit rough at times but didn't seem to bother me as much. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I'm starting to get used to the wind. Craziness. In the end, I was glad I went. I finished feeling much better than I started. And that's definitely the way to go with workouts.
And even better is that tomorrow is Rest Day! Hooray!
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