Exactly the opposite of my day which was, well, I'll just stick with long and sour. It's sort of like a few weeks ago when I was leaving the gym at a time when I'm usually there for masters. On my way out, I ran into a lane buddy who just barely caught himself in time as he whispered "I almost didn't recognize you in your clothes".
Anyhow, it's been a long day. Up at 5 for a 14.5 mile run. Off to work where I was at my desk for a total of about 10 minutes. I actually had to reschedule a meeting just so I could eat lunch. At 2pm! And then off to masters 30 minutes late, which I have to say that after the run, I was okay with missing half the class.
The run went well. My biggest complaint was with how dark it was. I usually run along 30th street when it's dark outside because it's well lit. But now I don't live near 30th anymore. I actually ran from Matt's house because I still don't have a great sense of where to run at my new place, especially for 14 miles. And Boulder I know. I had my headlamp, which was great, but because it was so dark and because the headlamp gives you such a limited area, I was getting pretty dizzy at times. But I got over it and it eventually became light. My other issue with the dark is that I manage to get myself all worked up about what sort of things are lurking out there. Coming from DC, you might think that this is normal, but I'm talking about animals. I'm a little hesitant to run through open space when I can't see what's out there. There could be bears or mountain lions out there. Or even cows, or turkeys, or geese, or other poultry (I'll save this for another time...it's a long and now entertaining story). But I was lucky today and only saw a rabbit this morning. I of course jumped about 10 feet in the air before I realized what it was. But hey, it keeps up the heartrate, right? And in the end, my run was right on pace with where I need to be for a 4 hour marathon.
P.S. The title was actually supposed to represent the size of this posting. I didn't write a dissertation and I didn't analyze. I'm sure it won't last.